Auto Insurance
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Auto Insurance

Insurance For All Your Vehicles

Whether you have a perfect record or lots of traffic violations, we work with you to find the best available coverage.

Car and Truck Insurance

Car and Truck Insurance

The kind of car or truck insurance you need depends on your vehicle, your record, and your budget. Our representatives will work with you to help you save where you can, and get you covered in the way that you want, be it comprehensive, collision, or liability.
Commercial Auto

Commercial Auto

The right commercial auto insurance plan will cover you and the vehicles your business owns, leases, rents, or borrows. Whether you’re operating a single vehicle or an entire fleet, prevent an accident from doing damage to your bottom line.
Motorcycle, Watercraft and RV

Motorcycle, Watercraft and RV

Make sure your motorcycle, RV, boat, or other watercraft is protected in a way that if something happens, you get it back. We can help you find the perfect insurance policy for all your favorite toys so that, even if an accident strikes, you can keep on playing.

% Uninsured Drivers


% drivers who wear their seatbelt


Traffic Injuries Per Day (Ohio)

Home and Auto Discount Bundle

Bundle your home and auto insurance with us and save big!

If you need both home and auto insurance we will work with you to find the best possible deals. Often, we are able to find additional savings if you enroll in multiple insurance lines.

home and auto insurance bundle

Mutlti-Car Discounts

Insuring multiple vehicles with us means additional savings!

If you are a family with multiple drivers and multiple vehicles, take advantage of our multi-car discounts! Whether you’re adding a new driver or a new car, we can help you find additional savings that will lower your per vehicle insurance costs.

Contact us to find the right auto insurance package for you